Stories Beach After The Storm

Stories Beach After The Storm
16x20 acrylic on canvas
Nestled between Oyster River and Campbell River lays the quaint little sandy bottomed beach Stories Beach. Stories beach is as soothing a beach as they come on a calm day at low tide, great for relaxing and unwinding in the summer. Yet it lays open and vulnerable to the Strait of Georgia and her constant stampede of winter storms which batter it all winter long.
I am far more interested in sitting on a shoreline in heavy duty rain gear amidst a gale to watch waves toss logs like twigs and feel the rumble of surf from the beach rather than a tropical beach somewhere hot. Bigger and nastier the better. So when the forecast was calling for 90km/h winds all day Christmas Day and into the night followed by a clear morning I made plans to be on the beach with my camera before dawn in hopes of capturing some magic.
The quaint little Stories beach came alive with colour, drama, and moody light that morning and I immediately knew it must be painted. Some things we love about this stunning new piece is the reflective wet sand and water gently lapping at the shore, the translucent breaking wave and the light backlighting its curl.
Piece will be shipped within 5 business days.